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This site is to connect and share ideas of how we can use Media Communications and Technology to help spread awareness on social causes in our communities.  


Through social awareness and working as a community, our voices will create civic engagement which will lead to social change.  This will change the world in…ONE SMALL WAY.

Please join me in spreading the word that we are looking for voices.  You can help by sharing your work to Submit a Story.


You story should tell how you use media, communications or technology to help your community and create social awareness about a cause.


These stories can be written, video or audio files and they can be uploaded here: Submit a Story.  We will compile them into an interactive documentary in order to create social awareness, civic engagement and social change.


If you don’t have your own story, but know someone who does, please share this link with them.


If you have a great idea but don’t know where to start, write to us and we will help.


If you teach and want to help your students, go to our MCATshare site and find helpful ideas for creating interactive stories.


Thanks…and keep trying to change the world in …ONE SMALL WAY.




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