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Although, James and I like and use many different vegan products including Boca, Daiya, Tofurky, Go Veggie,  and Follow your Heart, Gardein is, by far, our most used product line.  This is due to both taste and availability in our area. 

Hopefully in the next few years products like Follow Your Heart will become more widely available because it is also one of our favorites.

One Green Plant Ranks Gardein #1

Gardein: Garden + Protein = Gardein. For starters, Gardein’s products are made with non-GMO soy and wheat. And when it comes to taste and consistency and not to mention ease of preparation, these products are grade A. Their wide variety of products from beefless tips to chick’n strips, makes them a suitable substitute for many dishes. Plus Gardein even offers a holiday roast for all your festive gathering needs. In the U.S., the frozen Gardein options are popping up at a wide range of grocery stores. In the case that you live in a locale where it’s your only grocery option, they have even been spotted at Walmart(Frozen Foods Healthy Section).



There are so many products on the market now I thought it might be a good idea to get a bit of a vegan product education here.


  • MorningStar– these products are vegetarian, not vegan as they have egg in most of their products. It will only be vegan if it says so on the front label

  • Quorn– This is also a vegetarian product but they are making more and more vegan choices and you can find it on the front label

  • Boca– one of the originals but also is not vegan unless it specifies on the label

  • Gardein– ALWAYS VEGAN- this is the safest bet to ensure that it is vegan, as, all of their products are made from plant-based and soy

  • So-Delicious– Excellent newcomer to the market. They make vegan cheese, sour cream, ice cream and milk-like products

  • Tofutti– an old timer in the business as well and also always dairyfree dairy style products



This is just a starting list to help you to understand the different products to look for in the market. With this said, different stores carry different products in different places. This is a strange thing to me, sometimes there is no rhyme or reason to where the products are.


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