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Prompt 8

I have learned a lot about myself throughout the experience of COVID-19. Although I was already fairly self-aware of most of my qualities, it definitely cemented who I am and what is important to me. There has been a pandemic raging around me for the last eight months, but I have still tried to stay positive and learn about myself along the way.

            During COVID-19, I have learned that even introverts miss seeing other people. While I love being alone, I still struggled like the rest of the world to cease all activity and socializing over the last few months. Over the summer, I realized how important relationships and friends are, especially when you can't see them as much as you usually do. My family was worried about our safety when everything started and continued to escalate. People my age were still hanging out, but my parents thought it was best for me to keep my distance from others and only go to my job because I was considered essential personnel.

I did have plenty of downtime between working to enjoy all of the things in life that are sometimes overlooked when I'm busier and everything is open. This was probably my favorite part of the pandemic. I learned to appreciate everything in life, from eating dinner with my family to playing with my cat to enjoying the sunset from our boat in the middle of a lake. I have also learned how much I love routine and staying organized. These things have helped me keep my sanity during the pandemic. Also, work has been a nice constant and a distraction from everything going on. Overall, I have enjoyed having a little more time to myself and with my family, but I have loved going back to college and getting to see my friends and professors.  

Meghan Smith



Alyssa Lambert


After a long and stressful year being online and in person, I would say it was a great experience. I have learned many things during this time. I have learned how to work through school, take care of myself when my schedule does not add up with my families, and even how to learn new things in my classes by myself. I have had ups and downs throughout this semester including my school schedule and how to collaborate it with my work schedule, and leave room to do assignments and have time to breathe. Although it has been a rollercoaster of emotions, I am proud of the experiences I got in this time.

            To start off, I love to learn new things and experiment on my own. In my Technical Theatre 1 class we had to paint a 3ft by 3ft canvas, and had to base the painting off of a Hufflepuff inspired house from Harry Potter. I was never allowed to watch Harry Potter, and this assignment was tricky, but well worth the time. I got to teach myself new stage painting techniques, and how to use 7 different ones in this painting.

            On top of that exciting assignment, I learned what it was like to miss classes and feel behind in my assignments due to work overload and medical issues. At first I wanted to panic, and then I took some deep breaths and realized that all my professors want me to succeed in everything that I do. Which is why I began to email them about what has been going on in my life. Going to McPherson College was the best decision I have made. The professors understand and help, they don’t leave you in the dark and they work with you on improving your assignments and grades because they don’t want to see us fail.

            I had some eye openers and some hard times to reflect on how I went through this school year. Deciding whether to stay in band and Jazz Band, whether to change my major, or drop out because I couldn’t figure a set schedule between school, work, and time to breathe. I talked to many professors on what to do, family members, friends, bosses at work, and it was emotional and tough. College is not a breeze. You have to work hard, stay on top of schoolwork, set a schedule, and manage your time well, otherwise you won’t find a good sleeping schedule, you’ll fall behind in classes, feel overwhelmed, and most of all, it will hurt you emotionally and physically. Never let yourself stand in the way for greatness. Set a schedule, and no matter what you do, stick with it. Coming from me, it is easy to do your work, as long as you give yourself time to do that.


After a long and stressful year being online and in person, I would say it was a great experience. I have learned many things during this time. I have learned how to work through school, take care of myself when my schedule does not add up with my families, and even how to learn new things in my classes by myself. I have had ups and downs throughout this semester including my school schedule and how to collaborate it with my work schedule, and leave room to do assignments and have time to breathe. Although it has been a rollercoaster of emotions, I am proud of the experiences I got in this time.

            To start off, I love to learn new things and experiment on my own. In my Technical Theatre 1 class we had to paint a 3ft by 3ft canvas, and had to base the painting off of a Hufflepuff inspired house from Harry Potter. I was never allowed to watch Harry Potter, and this assignment was tricky, but well worth the time. I got to teach myself new stage painting techniques, and how to use 7 different ones in this painting.

            On top of that exciting assignment, I learned what it was like to miss classes and feel behind in my assignments due to work overload and medical issues. At first I wanted to panic, and then I took some deep breaths and realized that all my professors want me to succeed in everything that I do. Which is why I began to email them about what has been going on in my life. Going to McPherson College was the best decision I have made. The professors understand and help, they don’t leave you in the dark and they work with you on improving your assignments and grades because they don’t want to see us fail.

            I had some eye openers and some hard times to reflect on how I went through this school year. Deciding whether to stay in band and Jazz Band, whether to change my major, or drop out because I couldn’t figure a set schedule between school, work, and time to breathe. I talked to many professors on what to do, family members, friends, bosses at work, and it was emotional and tough. College is not a breeze. You have to work hard, stay on top of schoolwork, set a schedule, and manage your time well, otherwise you won’t find a good sleeping schedule, you’ll fall behind in classes, feel overwhelmed, and most of all, it will hurt you emotionally and physically. Never let yourself stand in the way for greatness. Set a schedule, and no matter what you do, stick with it. Coming from me, it is easy to do your work, as long as you give yourself time to do that.

Elle Barrett


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