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Dr. Susan Cardillo

James and I have decided to start this blog, site and show in order to help ourselves and others to become Vegans. We call it the Practicing Vegan because it , like anything you want to be good at, takes practice. We have been vegetarians for a long time. When we tell people that we are practicing vegans we get many amazing responses. Lately, there are more and more people thinking about this way of life. Of course, starting as a vegetarian is probably a good idea. But even Meatless Mondays or Alternative Weekends are a great start.

We want to share this journey with you. We will be talking about and creating animal friendly products, sharing vegan recipes and ideas through our blog and video series.

So, please join us as we explore:

  • Eat a vegan diet- or at least try

  • Care about the animals on our planet- they deserve to be here as much as we do

  • Buying cruelty free products-we will show you how

  • Supporting Farm sanctuaries

  • And eventually, supporting our cause of creating our own Peace Farm Sanctuary by buying products from this site and sharing this site with others


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